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Outcomes Driven Sustainable Revenue Growth

Have your sales flatlined?

  • Where do you struggle?
  • Stop missing revenue targets.
  • Ineffective Go-to-Market Strategy
  • High Churn Rate
  • Stalled or Lost Sales
  • Long or Complex Sales Process
  • Low Quota Attainment
  • Poor Lead Generation
  • Lack of Predictable Revenue

Companies that have their revenue functions aligned see…

  • 10-20% increase in sales productivity (measure is cost per sale)
  • 15-20% increase in internal customer satisfaction – measured by net promoter score or surveys
  • 30% and more reductions in go-to-market expenses – we analyze the customer journey on time
  • 20% faster growth measured by yearly values, startups may grow faster
  • 15% more profits – looking at all the gains mentioned before this can be much more

You may want to become my beloved and nurtured customer if:

  • you have a project in your mind and want to know if it works with all the costs, regulations and the big question behind: are there future customers?
  • your marketing needs improvement. I look for best practices, and you get a comprehensive report what to improve.
  • your pricing relies on estimations. These might be good, using scientific methods, market considerations and data science (formerly statistics) can improve your pricing

My price list starts with 358 € including German VAT. The most priciest product is at 4700 € including VAT. So what if you get 100.000 € additional sales with the results of my work?

It all starts with a phone appointment or a note to me. First step to become a valuated and nurtured customer.

For the ones who want to know exactly what I do here will be a complete list soon:

Examples are improved pricing, finding new market niches to penetrate, improving your supply chain getting a straighter way from production to user, more success with social media marketing, good customer segmentation makes customers and you, the seller, happier. Best communication with customers gives a closer relationship.

Market research can evaluate real estate – location is important for doing business in real stores with human visitors inside or with many services.

Do you like to work with me? I only charge you if I know you get your money back in the form of more earnings. Your marketing needs improvement.

Sustainable revenue growth symbolized by a magnifying glass